No, NO! Unless you want "Hi guys, well I took the opportunity to see the Cincinnati game at Colorado in late October because I heard there was some cool architecture in town, but unfortunately I was stuck in that one early-season blizzard that happens every year, so I apologize for the newsletter being a few days late. ANYWAYS, while I w…
No, NO! Unless you want "Hi guys, well I took the opportunity to see the Cincinnati game at Colorado in late October because I heard there was some cool architecture in town, but unfortunately I was stuck in that one early-season blizzard that happens every year, so I apologize for the newsletter being a few days late. ANYWAYS, while I was there I was exposed to some local cuisine. Have you heard of a "rocky mountain oyster?" well, here is my take on this delicacy..."
No, NO! Unless you want "Hi guys, well I took the opportunity to see the Cincinnati game at Colorado in late October because I heard there was some cool architecture in town, but unfortunately I was stuck in that one early-season blizzard that happens every year, so I apologize for the newsletter being a few days late. ANYWAYS, while I was there I was exposed to some local cuisine. Have you heard of a "rocky mountain oyster?" well, here is my take on this delicacy..."