Dropping this in here in case anyone sees the news and is concerned: I am in downtown Louisville but I am safe.

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Just dropping that my union go out on strike today and we'd love for anyone and everyone to voice support. https://rutgersaaup.org/we-are-on-strike-to-win-a-fair-contract-and-a-better-rutgers/

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[honks supportively]

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The Capitol City Goofball has joined the picket line.

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Whoo, that's a deep cut.

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Rereading this in 2023 feels like opening a time capsule. I never ended up going back to the office and have since quit the job I took daily walks from during that time period.

On that path were notes and jokes that kids of the neighborhood kids stuck to trees. New ones kept popping up for the first few months but then class restarted and they grew less frequent. Now just a couple of staples are in the trees and a bunch of rocks under a single single that was called Positivity Park where people left messages written on the rocks.

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It was a very strange time. As awful as the macro-scale parts of it were, though, I'm grateful for the time I had at home with my kids when they were at a really magical age. (And, among the many ways we were fortunate during all that, they were too young to fully comprehend what was going on.)

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The storms that probably just passed you were likely the ones that came in on Sunday for me and my family here and it made for a cozy Easter that took off the heat that had been in its place lately. We even had a fire in the fireplace as we watched a movie. Solid ending to our Easter.

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I’m m considering buying a cubic yard of landscape stones and some paint and starting to stack the deck myself. 

Did you do this?

Cartographers make maps, whether you consider them geographers is a different question.

All sorts of spatial analysis in geography, physical (including weather), economic, population.

Sense of place is interesting, as everyone has biased mental maps. An daily migration patterns are really interesting and much easier to follow with anonymous cell data.

And my favorite: where do people call fizzy sugar drinks by a certain name. You can google it.

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As with most things I consider, I did not follow through on it.

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