> War Dad

The entire state of Michigan wakes up at once, as if they heard an ancient summoning

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And this time, Toledo is really screwed.

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As an Ohioan, I hew to the line: "We fought a war to see who would get Toledo. Ohio lost, so we had to keep it."

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"[S]o that I can be fully present . . . with my family"

You already figured it out. The rest of the newsletter is just illustration. Enjoy your vacation and your Father's Day.

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Yes, this all the way!

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Nothing like some light emotional terrorism to start my Wednesday morning.

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Damn you for making me cry first thing in the morning, Scott! My sister just had a baby 11 weeks ago and the father decided "nah, I'm out " before she was even born and yeah, showing up matters a lot.

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But on a more serious note, I don’t know how you manage to write the exact kind of post I need to read at the moment it comes out. My daughter just had her first real bout of high fever/illness over the long weekend, and it coincided with my wife’s first solo trip since giving birth. I had no idea what I was doing, but I couldn’t just twiddle my thumbs. So I faked it and got us both through the weekend. Now that my wife is back, I’m still trying to find the right balance of what to do during the night/etc, but I need to start approaching it from a more selfless place and not make it about myself. Thank you for this newsletter today. Much-needed perspective for someone that is still in the early process of figuring all this stuff out!

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My daughter giggled the first time I did one and I’ve steered all the way in on being The Dad That Does The Voices When Reading. My Mickey and Elmo are solid, my Clarabelle is half-Charley-in-the-box and half-Will-Farrell-as-Harry-Caray though.

I need to work on my UK accents before the Harry Potter era hits...

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I made up the most simplistic song based on my daughter's name when she was just a few days old. We were at the beginning of what ended up being a month-long stay in the NICU. I still sing it occasionally to this day. And it still makes her smile.

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This is actually about last Friday's newsletter but I wanted to make sure Scott saw it: I made both recipes from that newsletter for a neighborhood cookout for my daughter's 8th birthday on Sunday. They were both a HUGE hit, as was the whole party thanks in no small part to delicious tacos and tequila-spiked watermelon drinks. My in-laws are currently living with us due to health concerns, and they told us afterwards it was the most fun they've had since they had to abandon other plans and move in with us back in January. And I got to enjoy the festivities too since both recipes are relatively simple and prepped in advance. Thanks from my whole extended family and our neighbors!

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I love this so much, thank you for sharing the update!

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Another scourge of the “breastfeed until they’re 19 or you’re a monster” movement: putting all the feedings on mom. We did for a while, but switched to formula pretty quickly. It was a huge uptick in everyone’s quality of life and my usefulness. It’s not for everyone, but the more we could find ways to split the load, the better.

There’s no better feeling than when you’re the thing that stops the crying.

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I’m going for a combo funny dad/cool dad/cooking dad. I created a playlist for my unborn child to listen to in the womb, and it was full of artists like Radiohead and fleet foxes and Sufjan Stevens. Gotta start ‘em before their even born!

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Perfect piece. I read it tonight as I was dealing with fussy #2 who had a stomach bug yesterday and moms on a zoom call. I think the part that resonated the most was that Dads have evolved and continue to, society needs to catch up.

Happy Fathers Day and safe travels.

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