I am irrationally proud of how many of these I knew.
My favorite weird topic that is constantly on my mind are the Glacial Lake Missoula Floods; about 13,000-15,000 years ago, a giant ice dam formed as the ice sheet was melting and receding and created a massive lake about half the size of Lake Michigan. The lake would periodically burst …
I am irrationally proud of how many of these I knew.
My favorite weird topic that is constantly on my mind are the Glacial Lake Missoula Floods; about 13,000-15,000 years ago, a giant ice dam formed as the ice sheet was melting and receding and created a massive lake about half the size of Lake Michigan. The lake would periodically burst through the ice dam and as it drained to the Pacific, it carved out the scablands that make up the Palouse and tore through the Columbia River, helping to form the Gorge (which is one of the most beautiful places in the country) and left giant boulders and geological fingerprints across the Northwest; I grew up in a house that was at the bottom of what was essentially a sandbar formed by the floods, only it's about 150 feet high. Geology rocks. (/rimshot)
I am irrationally proud of how many of these I knew.
My favorite weird topic that is constantly on my mind are the Glacial Lake Missoula Floods; about 13,000-15,000 years ago, a giant ice dam formed as the ice sheet was melting and receding and created a massive lake about half the size of Lake Michigan. The lake would periodically burst through the ice dam and as it drained to the Pacific, it carved out the scablands that make up the Palouse and tore through the Columbia River, helping to form the Gorge (which is one of the most beautiful places in the country) and left giant boulders and geological fingerprints across the Northwest; I grew up in a house that was at the bottom of what was essentially a sandbar formed by the floods, only it's about 150 feet high. Geology rocks. (/rimshot)