Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Apropos of nothing, Iā€™m getting married this weekend. Can I get a woot woot in the chat

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

So if I were to try to take the stew, and put an Ohio twist on it in honor of the state's unique flag, it would be a Burgee Burgoo?

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Holly and the Horse (Hines, 2013) - an absolute classic. I don't follow horseracing, have never been to Kentucky, and don't eat meat or drink spirits (wine and craft beer only, thank you very much) but I loved this newsletter.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Me, not understanding the stew at all: I wonder if I can make it vegetarian.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

This was such a good one! Every single photo of Holly is perfect but the ones with horses are perfecter.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

I love how aggressive that restaurant is about swearing that they "invented" the chocolate pecan pie the women in my mother's family have made every Thanksgiving since before my mom was born. It tickles me.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

I didn't realize what this weekend was, and therefore got my hopes up when it was another state that is actually a commonwealth. Pennsylvania's day will come (maybe).

Also, not being from the area, I had heard of burgoo but had no idea what it was. Just sounds like the derisive name activists give to the mechanically deboned meat used for fast food beef.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

My girlfriend and I are two of the many people who purchased chess sets after watching The Queenā€™s Gambit. Was a good investment for the winter quarantine months.

Also dreading trying to find mint at the grocery today. Damn procrastination may prevent us from being able to enjoy our yearly mint julep

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

This made me miss Kentucky in the best possible way so I pulled out my Derby 137 glasses, which allegedly was a whole decade ago.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

A+ work on the headers this week, I enjoy a good food pun

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

fuck yes, burgoo. my preferred native dish, and someday i'll have the room and occasion to make it more myself. i'll also note that the wonderful Senora May is also the wife of aforementioned Tyler Childers. talk about EKY power couple!

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Oh, also, I forgot to mention this: the book the Queenā€™s Gambit is very good and I enjoyed it! And itā€™s not very long! Still havenā€™t watched the show though. I should get on that.

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Apr 30, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

I'm basically the Alonzo Mourning gif reading all these nice things about Kentucky... However my mom went to high school in Louisville so nostalgia for all things Derby has been engrained in me. Should try making her Horse Race Pie this weekend.

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The BF and I just transplanted a patch of mint from his momā€™s backyard into our backyard (thanks, landlord, for letting us put it in a spot where you havenā€™t been able to get anything to grow! I hope you like mint because itā€™s about to be EVERYWHERE!) and Iā€™m very much looking forward to the first drink I make with said mint being either a julep or a bourbon smash for the Derby. I have no investment in the Derby itself, but it just feels right.

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May 6, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Really appreciated your advice for expanding subscribers and readership. Iā€™m in Canada and Iā€™ve had a Substack newsletter, No Joke, for about 3 months. Iā€™m reasonably satisfied so far but still mystified in other respects. Iā€™d like to ask for some further assistance, just a question or two, but perhaps this is not the best venue to do so. May I contact you directly?

My email: ewbjones6@gmail.com

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May 1, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

I would definitely enjoy a Sufjan ā€œKentuckyā€ album.

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