from the twitter replies: "You can fit a Mont Blanc rollerball refill (~$8) into a G2 body. Unparalleled writing experience". I'm blown away. After-market pen mods.

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Zebra F-301 Fine Point .7mm Stainless Steel with black ink. I bought a two pack in 2016 for $3.50 on sale at Staples. I will never look at another pen.

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Pilot G2, no question. Around 6 years back I bought the limited version (slightly heavier metal body, better glide across paper) on a whim for ~$15 and I'm still using it and refilling it to this day.

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Oh. It's actually a discussion page, not a full article.

I'm a fan of Pilot Precise V7. Prefer the thicker line than the V5 version, and I press way too hard, so the thicker tip is a little less likely to bend/break on them.

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But the ones in my office that are free are Integra gel roller model 30079. They work, and the price is right.

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Blue G-2, 0.7mm is my go to...swapped for red when marking up drawings.

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uni-ball Vision (micro) has been my pen for 20+ years at this point. Best pen. I am forever panicked they will stop making them, so I have an extra box on hand at all times.

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Ryan, the fact that you have had a go-to pen for over 20 years may in fact be The Most Ryan Thing.

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If these were as easy to find as the Pilot G-2 I'd use them instead.

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The Uniball Vision Elite a strong choice for your everyday pen. I also really like the purple-infused black ink version to make my writing stand out a little but not too much.

The Uniball Eye fine point is a great grading pen, in either purple or orange.

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I wish I had a picture of it right now, but when I was working on the ballparks piece for SBnation, I ended up collecting my pens into four cups, which I then put in a soft-side toolbox for carrying around.

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I ... have several pen cases I tote around.

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Papermate Inkjoy Gel 0.5 is my favorite. I need click pens otherwise I will lose the cap

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Zebra F-301, no question. I have black, blue, and red within arm's reach right now.

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i’ve had the same one since 2016. it’s such a smooth pen but the writing is so sharp

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i am a blue bick papermate man forever

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the most nihilist response possible

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they're good pens, corkboard. also they're like $2 for 100 and i can eat the caps

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16 year teacher. Gotta have G2s

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My only complaint about Pilot G-2s are that they haven't figured out how to make the clip part unbreakable. I seriously have dozens with the pen-clip broken off around my office/home.

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I love the Bic Gel-Ocity pens, and especially love this spinning pen caddy!! I have one for work and for home. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07HSFY9FQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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true wealth and luxury is buying both 05 and .38 G2s so I can use whichever I feel like that day

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Uniball Jetstream 0.7mm. Best ballpoint ink (you have to start getting into fountain pens to do better.)

If you want to go the extra mile- they make a Jetstream Prime, who's refills (4 for $16) will fit a Parker Jotter pen ($9 on Amazon) and that's my daily pen at work. Superb ink, dries instantly (lefty-friendly,) stays put when wet (helpful in the brewery,) and the great tactile clicking from the Jotter. It's excellent.

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I have three mugs full of shitty vendor-swag pens at my desk and I hate them all.

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c'mon Pete treat yourself. you deserve better.

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They are perfectly adequate for jotting inscrutable notes during conference calls that I will later return to and wonder what the hell I was trying to say.

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Pilot G-2 for life, but also now using Pilot Frixion (ERASABLE) pens because of my Rocketbook.

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these are fascinating!

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I do have a Frixion for my reusable notebook. I don't *hate* teh feel, but it's not my favorite either.

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I don’t love it on the reusable but I like it on regular paper 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I only learned today that reusable notebooks were a thing.

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I really like it for work note-taking where it’s helpful to have an electronic archive but I don’t really need or want a permanent paper copy. It’s saving me a sh*t ton of post-it’s!

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How does the electronic archiving work? You just take a picture of it, or?

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Muji Gle Ink capped. Any color. All colors.

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I'm a math guy, so my pencil tendencies for scratch work die REAL hard. I prefer mechanical pencils because it's easier to find lead refills than sharpeners. Right now I'm using a UNV22011 .7 mm from universal. Bic's generic .7 mm lead pack works if you're looking to save some money while also buying in bulk.

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If y'all demand I name a pen, Pilot G2's have always felt like the highest form of luxury to me because my mom would never buy them for me growing up because she, correctly, wasn't about to waste money one something I would invariably lose or loan out to a classmate within 48 hours, never to be seen again.

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Also, I want to say the uniball Air was such a MASSIVE disappointment. I thought it was going to be a gamechanger, but it ended up being very scratchy and uneven.

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Gel ink for life. I typically buy black Pilot for personal use, but at the office we have to use blue ink (to distinguish original signatures from copies) and the brand that is ordered is EnerGel 0.5 Needle Tip. It dries pretty quickly, which I like. That immediate smearing is a big negative of gel inks, but the reason I switched is they write so much smoother than your standard ballpoint pen.

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Papermate InkJoy 700 RT in blue or black for me.

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Paper Mate felt tips

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Paper Mate Felt Tips are huge among my AP U.S. History colleagues as a grading pen. I like them, but I always feel like I am not using them right.

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These days, Uni-ball Roller (.5 mm width). I like them a lot, and I don't worry about losing them. I like the G2, but can't find them in narrow enough width consistently.

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This is gonna sound lame but I dont care because I'm a lawyer and already lame. Gimme that Bic Round Stic M in blue, all day, every day

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My favorite pen is my Bulow X750 Vertrag Fountain Pen. Alas I frequently go several days without writing with a pen and the ink will dry out during that time so a fountain pen isn't practical for me. Thus I usually settle for the Pilot G-2.

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G2. Easy

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