When my daughter (also 8) was just starting to talk she couldn't say her brother's name. So she called him "Ga-Ga"... and then insisted we all do the same. That lasted for what felt like years, but was probably 9 months. Then one day, she reprimanded me (at 2) and said "Not Ga-Ga, Oscar". Now she is telling that story.
When my daughter (also 8) was just starting to talk she couldn't say her brother's name. So she called him "Ga-Ga"... and then insisted we all do the same. That lasted for what felt like years, but was probably 9 months. Then one day, she reprimanded me (at 2) and said "Not Ga-Ga, Oscar". Now she is telling that story.
When my daughter (also 8) was just starting to talk she couldn't say her brother's name. So she called him "Ga-Ga"... and then insisted we all do the same. That lasted for what felt like years, but was probably 9 months. Then one day, she reprimanded me (at 2) and said "Not Ga-Ga, Oscar". Now she is telling that story.