Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Does she understand that the boat is, in fact, stuck? Because that's the funny part to me. That the boat is stuck, and cannot be moved.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Funniest reaction I saw was a meme modeled after the Instagram posts of how you can help with racism, voting rights, gun violence, etc. after a tragedy.

"The Suez Canal is blocked. How can I help?"

"Boat stuck. Cant help."

After so much that makes us feel helpless in such a way that we need others to explain to us how to help, it was a relief to actually be helpless.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

The big stuck boat is hysterical and I actually blame you writing this article for causing the big stuck boat to get unstuck.

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I always write the night before and lemme tell you what, I was MAD when I woke up this morning and saw it might be unstuck by the time I published. Had to make edits and everything.

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This article WAS supposed to be titled "Is The Stuck Boat Funny?", for the record.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

We talked about Stucky McStuckface for a good half hour over Sunday afternoon beers. It just does not get old.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Once I realized that it was not just another Twitter hoax, I thought it was hilarious. The real humour was in some of the suggestions on Twitter for what to do about it. My favourite was, "Have the other boats tried honking, like really leaning on the horn?"

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

This is the same reason why the excavator in a hole was so funny, too. It is failure to the point that it is expression of art.

In light of vaccines and the canal, it's pretty safe to say we can call 2021 The Year of Getting Stuck.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

My roommate at one point said "You play video games in the same room I watch TV, I have now heard you tell every single person you know and as well as complete strangers about this boat"

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

I too have been sending Twitter memes all week to my wife re:the stuck boat.

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

Stuck boat is objectively funny

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I find the stuck boat hilarious because it is snarling global commerce like someone deciding today was the day they wanted to parallel park their mega sized pickup truck in a small car spot in the middle of downtown and blocking everything. On that day I had an extremely tight schedule.

I think the best part is the meeting that occurred before the excavator was sent out. Someone had to draw the short stick to take the machine out and EVERYONE knows who it is.

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It’s funny.

Last night as my girlfriend and I were relaxing before bed, partially watching TV but mostly scrolling on our phones, she turns to me and says, in a very concerned voice, “there might be a toilet paper and coffee shortage because of that stupid sideways boat!”

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Pffft we’ve had those already you can’t hurt us, boat!

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Mar 29, 2021Liked by Scott Hines

She was acting like we didn’t just literally buy two months worth of coffee and TP from Costco a few weeks ago. Sideways boat won’t be able to break us.

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"We're getting low on toilet paper"

2019 and prior: means "we have one roll left"

2020-present: means "I just opened the second-last 48-pack"

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