Also, that reminds me of this excellent piece by Dan Devine, which reduces me to a blubbering mess every time I read it:
That was yeah, I shouldn't have read that, not today. But thank you for sharing it. I think there is a need for pieces like this for Dads. We tend to get overlooked in the whole process sometimes.
Not to make a parenting article about trauma because now I totally identify with not wanting kids to age. My daughter is so friggin much fun right now I don't even want her to nap because I want her to hang out with me
Even your adult kids can be pretty cool. I spent most of last week driving two-thirds of the way across the country with my older one, and it was great.
i feel like parenting is full of little moments that prepare you for bigger moments later, and the missing your child as soon as you put them down for a nap and you're left with that "what do i do now?" thought definitely feels like a miniature empty nest test run.
CS Lewis wrote that of all human relationships, the love a parent is the most difficult love of all because it "is the only love which seeks its own abdication." I read that years ago but think about it all the time now.
My god, I can't imagine that level of terror.
Also, that reminds me of this excellent piece by Dan Devine, which reduces me to a blubbering mess every time I read it:
Thank goodness that story had a happy ending (spoilers, I know). I was very afraid to keep reading.
That was yeah, I shouldn't have read that, not today. But thank you for sharing it. I think there is a need for pieces like this for Dads. We tend to get overlooked in the whole process sometimes.
Lots of unprocessed trauma in the chat, I see. Y'all wanna go talk to some beer about this?
That's a whole lot. Couldn't finish it
Not to make a parenting article about trauma because now I totally identify with not wanting kids to age. My daughter is so friggin much fun right now I don't even want her to nap because I want her to hang out with me
Even your adult kids can be pretty cool. I spent most of last week driving two-thirds of the way across the country with my older one, and it was great.
My enjoyment in parenting directly correlates with baby's ability to interact, so I can see how adult kids will be fun
i feel like parenting is full of little moments that prepare you for bigger moments later, and the missing your child as soon as you put them down for a nap and you're left with that "what do i do now?" thought definitely feels like a miniature empty nest test run.
CS Lewis wrote that of all human relationships, the love a parent is the most difficult love of all because it "is the only love which seeks its own abdication." I read that years ago but think about it all the time now.