I was on vacation in Europe last week and when someone in my news/politics group chat posted that this had happened my exact words were "I'm going to fuck back off to Ireland now." I don't actually mean it, but also, it's insane how much safer it felt over there knowing that basically no one has guns *and* people drive sanely sized vehic…
I was on vacation in Europe last week and when someone in my news/politics group chat posted that this had happened my exact words were "I'm going to fuck back off to Ireland now." I don't actually mean it, but also, it's insane how much safer it felt over there knowing that basically no one has guns *and* people drive sanely sized vehicles on roads that are designed for pedestrians to be able to use first and for cars second.
I was on vacation in Europe last week and when someone in my news/politics group chat posted that this had happened my exact words were "I'm going to fuck back off to Ireland now." I don't actually mean it, but also, it's insane how much safer it felt over there knowing that basically no one has guns *and* people drive sanely sized vehicles on roads that are designed for pedestrians to be able to use first and for cars second.