Baz Luhrmann really had the best advice: Wear Sunscreen. I would add, and start retinol in your 30s.
Also that the job they have 10 to 20 years from now may not be related to the degree they just got today, but that doesn't make the degree "worthless." Skills and knowledge, in whatever topic, is never worthless.
Baz Luhrmann really had the best advice: Wear Sunscreen. I would add, and start retinol in your 30s.
Also that the job they have 10 to 20 years from now may not be related to the degree they just got today, but that doesn't make the degree "worthless." Skills and knowledge, in whatever topic, is never worthless.
Baz Luhrmann really had the best advice: Wear Sunscreen. I would add, and start retinol in your 30s.
Also that the job they have 10 to 20 years from now may not be related to the degree they just got today, but that doesn't make the degree "worthless." Skills and knowledge, in whatever topic, is never worthless.
it's really hard to top the sunscreen one.
Credit where it's due: Mary Schmich wrote the sunscreen piece