There has been an ongoing construction project by our house. Everyday for the last 6 months on the way to daycare, we stop briefly, roll down the window, and our 2-year old waves from his car seat. It makes his day. It seems to often make the workers’ day too. It’s delightful.

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The beer you have while cooking a slightly over-elaborate dinner.

When young kids get words slightly wrong (My dress has stars, and moons, and compilations on it!)

Also for young kids: when they comment about someone in public (oh God) but it’s a compliment (thank God) — my son in Costco yesterday: “that lady’s hijab is SO SPARKLY and BEAUTIFUL!”

Also veering into resolution territory: slightly sore muscles that don’t really bother you, but remind you that you worked out recently.

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Whew. Any time a kid deigns to comment on another person is terrifying, so that’s a wonderful surprise there.

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Ever since she was a toddler my older daughter's voice has carried, so I had to establish a rule of "no talking about other people in the car when we're stopped and the windows are open."

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My older daughter called the device that you use to keep rain off of you an "unkabella" and it was adorable. I was sad when she finally learned "umbrella"

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Seeing a dog in a car. It is the perfect, purest form of joy that comes to mind. Unexpected and delightful every time.

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This is such a good one. Every. Time.

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All three of the calls I made to clients (who had called and left extremely vague messages while I was out for the holidays) this morning went to voicemail and I didn't have to speak with anyone. Pure bliss.

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Toddler having sidebars with me when she's making friends in public.

To the deli meat guy: Happy New Year!

To me, pleased with herself: I say happy new year

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What's good is that I'll be getting married this year! We're eloping in New Zealand in April. I don't know if I'll be able to top that with anything else.

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I didn’t realize it until my wife pointed out my always-gleeful reaction when I see it, but a big, probably not-bright dog being bossed around by a smaller dog always makes me laugh out loud (the level of the laugh is proportional to the size differential of the dogs).

Speaking of big, probably not-bright dogs, that’s a great pic of slumbering Olaf, but I can’t believe you let him have a phone at his age.

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Holly absolutely bullies Olaf, but you knew this already.

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Holly absolutely bullies Olaf, but you knew this already.

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first day of hooded sweatshirt weather in the fall; first t-shirt day in the spring

clicking your tongs three times before opening the grill

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Gotta test them. Make sure they’re working.

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When a jeopardy category comes up right in your wheelhouse especially if watching with ours. The more random the better, just to feel like a genius for a few minutes.

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According to my dad, he used to set an alarm for 4am when he was in college. This alarm's sole purpose was to wake him up so he could say, "oh hell yeah, I got 4 more hours of sleep ahead of me!" Real sicko behavior if you ask me, but, that's my dad.

Personally, I love a good cup of coffee in the morning. But it hits *just* right on that first cool morning after the dog days of summer.

I also love a floppy dog wakeup and shamble out of bed/off the couch. it's not often the maniac is tired out, so I savor it when his ears are floppy, he's yawning, and stumbling around like a drunkard or a baby deer.

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A cat nap is perfection to me. I am talking about a literal nap, with one or both of our cats (Thor & Forest) sleeping alongside me or on my chest. One of them purrs in his sleep sometimes, which is so relaxing. Plus they are warm and comforting. It’s bliss!

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Now that it is (supposedly) winter, I really like bundling up in cold weather gear and going for long walks. There is a nice solitude to it when it's too cold for normal people to be outside.

Also driving my nose into a freshly opened bag of ground coffee from my coffee place... there's nothing better.

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This is the one I was going to add. The smell of a bag of coffee, or even the smell of the first brewed pot in the morning, especially on a cold wintry day. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted more to the smells of coffee than coffee itself.

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I hate the taste of coffee, but I love making my wife's daily pot in the morning because I love the smell.

Same with cigarettes, strangely. Hate smoking, hated kissing smokers, would 100% go stand outside the bar with the smokers for that good second-hand stuff

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A walk on a cold winter night with just a bit of snow quietly falling is just the best.

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Especially nice imo when everyone else is inside although watching sledding is nice.

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As an engineer I like when a solution happens that achieves multiple goals especially removing the excess complications of the problem. Along with that I like when I am in the flow state, where the mind is focused on the task and everything seems effortless.


Also going for walks with the dog, as he tends to focus on the immediate (smells) rather than the distance covered.


also Sahil has his 1-1-1 journalling idea which may be of benefit: https://twitter.com/SahilBloom/status/1609919080043089922?s=20&t=B9CSL7DpN80A28J6E2nuMg

Is that olaf or holly in the far side example cartoon?

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Oh, Holly, easily. Olaf is too guileless for grudges.

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Thanks for sharing! I've had trouble staying consistent and will give this a try.

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I think Sahil and some others have the don’t miss 2 days framework that may help. My introduction to it was from a doc who said don’t beat yourself up for going off what you are supposed to do, just do it at the next interval.

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For me, right now, it's my toddler's evolving language. She's getting so much more articulate and able to say much more and be understood much better...but she still asks for an "orangen" and calls motorcycles "zoomers" and I'm holding on to this adorableness before she has a big kid voice and wants very little to do with me.

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I miss every malapropism when it goes.

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What's making me happy now is the 9 hours of restful sleep I got last night. Set my alarm for 5 so I could go to the gym, ended up turning it off and setting a new one for 6:30 so I could stay asleep.

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The two year old woke up screaming at 2 and 5 this morning. I am blind with jealousy.

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I can't tell you how many nights I sit in my toddler's room slowly telling myself "She'll grow out of this" while I wait for her to drift back to sleep.


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Three happy things: 1) The fragrance of coffee. 2) Stepping into a hot shower when you are very cold. 3) Jigsaw puzzles. That's it, my top three. Also, anything to do with dogs, of course.

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