Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Oh, Olaf did it, but Holly planted the idea in his head to sow chaos as revenge.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

As Olaf's attorney, let me begin by asking if you had read and clearly stated the defendant's rights before beginning your line of questioning? Have you considered you may have eaten it yourself and forgotten? You're not getting any younger Scott. And don't you have two children who are certainly big enough to reach the counter? Have you considered strong winds from winter storms or suburban wildlife? This is a sham of a trial and I will not stand idly by while you throw my client in the clink on nothing more than a hun-[stops to wipe food and foil off of Olaf's face and notices it is somehow on his back and belly too, leaving tracks of the food throughout the house]...uh, hun-wher-where was I? Oh yes, A HUNCH!!!

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

I, like others, dearly missed Holly's commentary from the EDSBS days. This is a nice hit of nostalgia.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Ah, the triumphant return of Holly dropping sick burns.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

That photo of Olaf is *chef’s kiss* although I’m a little embarrassed that one minute I was thinking my trainer recommendation was going well and the next that lovable idiot had stolen your food.*

* allegedly

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Sounds to me like Holly did it

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Holly is clearly using Olaf as a cover. She probably has the kids in on it too.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines


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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Last night, our border collie/beagle mix grabbed a bag of 2 leftover venison steaks out of the sink and ate them in a minute flat. Or did she?

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

The “I cannot abide his buffoonery” line makes me think of Tommy Lee Jones saying something similar to Jim CarRey on there set of Batman Forever.

Honestly those personalities really line up with Holly and Olaf pretty damn well.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

My brother has a beagle mix rescue, and I’m pretty sure Olaf and Bowie are somehow related.

They must never meet.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

I always loved Dave Barry. That is an unkind smear on both of you and she needs to be in timeout. On a brighter note, my roommate and I once made a killer Thanksgiving dinner, but then we ate some very potent edibles and went bye-bye. Soon afterward I heard a crash and there was his dog Barkley devouring our turkey. My own dog at the time pulled off a similar feat with a prime rib roast I had just put on the counter while I went to the bathroom.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Thanks for a much-needed laugh. Wonderful!

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Scott Hines

Not the grand New Yorker style of your reindeer interviews. Understandable, because the deer were more cooperative than Olaf and less imperious than Holly.

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"I’ve actually thought about that a lot and I think it would be super fun."


Also, please change this to the NOONSWEATER immediately.

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Holly definitely pronounces it "Cha-rahd."

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