Gourd bless us, every one.

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NORMAN SCHWARZSQUASH: we have always been at war with the squirrels

STONEWALL JACKS’O’LANTERN: this will be our finest victory

BENEDICT GOURDNALD: [clearly full of squirrels]

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Norman Schwarzsquash is so good I'm furious I didn't think of it.

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But you did, you just haven’t yet.

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GEORGE SQUASHINGTON: i may have kicked off a war with the french my bad

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"BENEDICT GOURDNALD: [clearly full of squirrels]"

10/10 no notes I love this so much

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“Gourdon Lightfoot”

Goddamnit, Cookbook

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Fucking squirrels get us all in the end.

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the trebuchet is the superior siege engine!

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The spiritual successor to It's Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers.

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Stick taps for Gourdie Howe.

And I’m so glad I was not sipping coffee at the final lines.

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I got to 'Viny Tim' and involuntarily blurted out "what the fuck is *wrong* with you?". This is why I LIKE you.

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might need to make this a blurb for the newsletter

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Hahaha, go for it. (full disclosure: (1) I'm constantly getting that reaction for my own puns; (2) I'm still laughing about the whole post.)

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When you tap the email icon on your phone, open up Scott’s latest, and it begins with “THE GUORDFATHER”… friends, that’s how you start a Monday 🤣

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This is the content I crave.

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As soon as I read the "SCENE" I was wondering when you had time to drive from Kentucky to throw a tracker onto my car.

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When The Action Cookbook Newsletter starts with SCENE you buckle up b/c you're going places.

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Well this was delightful. You had me at "The Gourdfather", and let me tell you, I reacted to "Viny Tim" like Lucille Bluth recognizing Gene Parmesan

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Exactly the level of stupid/smart I need this morning happy week Scott!

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What, no judgment for Gourdon Sumner?

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I'm sending out an SOS.

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he's playing their b-side No Vine This Time

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smash our squash?

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(I'm very behind on my substack reading) Currently sitting at my desk giggling and hoping my co-workers can't hear me. I want to go buy a viny tim now.

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