it 100% is. one of my favorite HS teachers (we spent one week going over every lyric from we didn’t start the fire and discussing the historical importance of each event) was in the class of ‘70. he would wear his blue and gold every thursday.
he also was the allegheny college rep during career/college fair every year
In order to have a confluence of three items they have to meet at the same place. The Youghiogheny can kick rocks. Allegheny is where it’s at. go gata
I am presuming the "gata" here is the Allegheny College Gators.
If that's the case, then I have a new CookbookNemesis....#GoLords #AndLadies
My parents met at Allegheny, so I might be a hereditary nemesis then.
For that to be the case, you'd have to be a MUC descendent (my parents and brother all went to John Carroll)
it 100% is. one of my favorite HS teachers (we spent one week going over every lyric from we didn’t start the fire and discussing the historical importance of each event) was in the class of ‘70. he would wear his blue and gold every thursday.
he also was the allegheny college rep during career/college fair every year