Look, not all tasting notes are highfalutin. One of my prouder moment in college was assessing the aroma notes of different vanilla beans- the person from Very Large Vanilla Supplier That Has Since Been Acquired said no one had identified the specific note of the one bean. I took one whiff, said “oof, smells like Play-Doh”. I was the onl…
Look, not all tasting notes are highfalutin. One of my prouder moment in college was assessing the aroma notes of different vanilla beans- the person from Very Large Vanilla Supplier That Has Since Been Acquired said no one had identified the specific note of the one bean. I took one whiff, said “oof, smells like Play-Doh”. I was the only one who identified it.
The important takeaway is that when it comes to sensory science, there’s no such thing as a dumb descriptor. If it tastes/smells like a thing, then it just does. (The follow up takeaway is that I’m very good and important at my job no matter what anyone says)
In a wine tasting group I was once a part of, we had a friend who would provide a "gas station" tasting note (peach rings, Dr. Pepper, those hot dogs cooked on rollers) every time we met. Kept things from getting too full of themselves.
Also, being a supertaster absolutely blows. I’m a supertaster for phenylthiocarbimide, which makes most green vegetables and certain hops in beers a complete nightmare.
I understand. A large portion of the population are supertasters for a compound in Skyline Chili. It makes them think it tastes bad, and it's actually them that's the problem.
Look, not all tasting notes are highfalutin. One of my prouder moment in college was assessing the aroma notes of different vanilla beans- the person from Very Large Vanilla Supplier That Has Since Been Acquired said no one had identified the specific note of the one bean. I took one whiff, said “oof, smells like Play-Doh”. I was the only one who identified it.
The important takeaway is that when it comes to sensory science, there’s no such thing as a dumb descriptor. If it tastes/smells like a thing, then it just does. (The follow up takeaway is that I’m very good and important at my job no matter what anyone says)
Sir, I'm going to need you to roll up your sleeve.
[sweats nervously] I’VE NEVER OWNED A TERCEL SCOTT
In a wine tasting group I was once a part of, we had a friend who would provide a "gas station" tasting note (peach rings, Dr. Pepper, those hot dogs cooked on rollers) every time we met. Kept things from getting too full of themselves.
Those people are a godsend in sensory groups.
She was really good, too--as much as you wanted to argue with "banana Runts," you never could.
Also, being a supertaster absolutely blows. I’m a supertaster for phenylthiocarbimide, which makes most green vegetables and certain hops in beers a complete nightmare.
I understand. A large portion of the population are supertasters for a compound in Skyline Chili. It makes them think it tastes bad, and it's actually them that's the problem.