Honest to god, got this email just now:

August 6, 2024

Dear JCPS families,

Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is once again using the Edulog Parent Portal Lite smartphone app to help you receive information about your student’s school bus ride. The app allows you to see real-time information about the location of your student’s school bus and receive notifications when the bus is getting close.

To get started, download the Edulog Parent Portal Lite app from the Apple or Android store. You can download the app using the QR code found on the JCPS Edulog Parent Portal Lite website.

After downloading the app, you’ll be asked to enter a registration code. Use district registration code: [redacted]. Please do not share this code as it is specific to JCPS buses.

Go to the DISTRICT tab, tap the plus sign (+) in the top right to add the district code. When the code is accepted, you will see the district name and the number of buses you are following (initially zero).

Next, tap on the slide button to activate one or more buses. Tap on My Buses in the Main Menu below. You can scroll to each bus by swiping the vehicle box. Tap on the plus sign (+) to add an Alert Zone. Enter an address or move the map, name the alert zone, add a time frame, adjust the radius with the slide button, then hit Save. Once your vehicles have been added and alert zones created, they will be listed on the Home screen. To access your Inbox, tap the envelope icon on the Home screen, where you can view Messages and Notifications.

You can view the location of a bus by tapping that particular bus in the MY BUSES tab.

Notifications are sent immediately when a GPS ping from your bus occurs within the notification zone. The school bus sends regular GPS pings to the app database in the cloud every 15-20 seconds. As with all technology, disruptions can occur. A lag can be produced if there is a disruption in cellular service or the GPS unit on the bus is disconnected. Make sure to monitor the app for bus movement before the expected bus time.

You can view the instructions in Spanish and learn more about the app at our website.

Remember, to find your student’s bus stop location and bus number, visit our Bus Teller portal at JCPSFirstDay.com. We encourage you to check Bus Teller frequently, as it will continue to populate and update through the first day of school. If you need assistance, you can call [redacted] to talk with a JCPS staff member.

Thank you for all you do to support our students and staff throughout JCPS.

Jefferson County Public Schools

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Oh, cool cool. Our county is using that app as well, and it seems to work great. I get minute by minute updates for the bus location, and it tells me exactly when it's stopping to pick up kids. Only problem is that the bus on the app is a different bus, running a different route, than the one that is supposed to be picking up my daughter. And it's 45 minutes late.

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My brain kept translating Edulog to Updog, and honestly, that would have made as much sense

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not much what's edulog with you

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I feel so sorry for the poor person at the school that has to answer those phone calls.

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I am dead. I am dead and this is Hell.

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Fortunately, after this week, things should settle down. https://actioncookbook.substack.com/p/after-this-week-things-should-settle

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Having Thanksgiving break in December was brilliant

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was hoping that one didn't go unnoticed

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I had to go check a calendar, you bastard.

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As someone who works on the other side of this for K12, be prepared for an email at like 10:37pm the night before the first day alerting you that, due to an unforeseen IT issue, none of the 67 apps and websites required are syncing properly with the student information system, so even if you can log in (you likely can't, because we just turned Multifactor Authentication from optional to mandatory about 12 minutes ago and you didn't set it up because it was optional you fool what were you thinking good lord do I have to do everything for you), you will either be greeted with a blank page OR incredibly sensitive information about someone else's kids. Anyway, LET'S HAVE A GREAT FIRST DAY!

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This is preparing children for adulthood.

An adulthood where highly paid consultants will foist inoperable technical solutions that solve nothing, don’t talk to one another, and frequently fail at terrible times upon them. Their lives will be worse but shareholder value will never be higher.

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I was waiting for the Spirit Week joke

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Got a confused/surprised look from my boomer coworker due to my literal LOL when I got to "T.E.A.M. Skibidi".

Her: "What's so funny?"

Me: "I couldn't possibly explain this using words you are familiar with."

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My oldest starts school in two weeks. Everything you said is true

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As the parent of a now graduated child, I can laugh at this. But if he were still in school this would have caused severe trauma.

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I deleted the Take!Home app.

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After falling for a "please read the directions entirely before doing anything" trick in 2nd grade, I knew exactly what was coming with the TestStar app. I am still bitter about that assignment, three decades later.

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[twitches in PTSD]

Too soon, Scott.



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Honestly, I very much miss working with students.

However, every year around this time, I sigh in relief that I don't have to deal with any more LMS stuff, or apps, or etc. No more hand-holding the rest of my floor's teachers through how all that crap works and how it is different slightly from last year, no more double-checking that students know how to get into each thing, no more complaint emails from parents about why their student's grade is swinging around wildly(hint: they did the first assignment, but not the second, and the sample size is REAL SMALL right now), none of it.

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oh yeah, this nonsense is at least as bad for teachers as it is for parents, to be sure. the only real villain here is educational app companies

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As a school office person, we can't wait to see our students! I don't know what day of the week it is during summer (not a bad thing!). My husband will have a cold beverage waiting for me whenever I get home after the last bus leaves. Thanks as always for the funny side of life view!

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